What Do Chiropractors Think About Vaccinations?

This is a loaded question for sure. I don’t expect to think, speak or act for all Chiropractors, both professionally and individually when it comes to matters of personal health choices. I can only think, speak and act to the best of my ability, no matter who I am or what I do.

Controversial or not, personal health choices are just that, personal, despite the rhetoric. Some health choices do get thrown into the public square, especially if there is controversy surrounding them. To vaccinate or to not vaccinate is definitely one of those “hot-topic” choices as of late.

Can you be a Chiropractor and choose not to get vaccinated? Absolutely. Can you also be a Chiropractor and choose to get vaccinated? Absolutely.

Yes, Chiropractors look at the world of health through a certain natural “lens” or perspective. But that perspective allows for choice, not coercion. Quoting D.D. Palmer, the Discoverer of Chiropractic on the topic of vaccinations:

“Compulsory vaccination is an outrage and a gross interference with the liberty of the people in a land of freedom.”

Whether to vaccinate or not is not at the heart of the issue. The choice is at the crux. The choice is yours because it is your health you are choosing. Chiropractic as a profession was founded on individual thought and choice when it comes to health.

Some claim that all health choices are in the best interest of the “greater good” and should outweigh the individual’s right to choose. This line of thinking though stands on shaky ground.

Yes, public health should always be a concern, but not at the expense of private health.

Health for the “greater good” can only work for you if those in control of the policies consider your health to be “good enough.” You might not be a member of that group depending on your race, gender, ethnicity, occupation, socio-economic status, political party affiliation, or time and place in history.

This is where the disconnect is occurring. More and more the culture seems to be leaning towards “groupthink” over individual thought. Groupthink is important but not as foundational and critical as individual thought.

Individual thought, speech and action need to be at the bedrock of our society and culture when it comes to the choices we make, specifically with regards to health.

So, what do Chiropractors think about vaccinations? You will have to ask one.

- Jarek Esarco, DC, CACCP

Jarek Esarco, DC, CACCP is a pediatric, family wellness and upper cervical specific Chiropractor. He is an active member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). Dr. Jarek has postgraduate certification in Pediatric Chiropractic through the ICPA. Dr. Jarek also has postgraduate certification in the HIO Specific Brain Stem technique through The TIC Institute. Dr. Jarek is happily married to his wife Regina. They live in Youngstown, Ohio with their daughter Ruby.

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